Introduction to Drones: Take Flight! (K-2nd)

Students will be introduced to drones. Students will experience how flight occurs and what is necessary for animals and objects to take flight.

Course Description

Students will be introduced to drones. Students will experience how flight occurs and what is necessary for animals and objects to take flight.

Level One

  • Students will explore gravity and the effects it has on objects and actions
  • Students learn about the main principles of flight.
  • Students will be able to explain the cause and effect of air pressure on movement.
  • Students will explore the concept of push and pull. They will focus on how the two interact and relate to flight
  • Students will be introduced to the drone. Students will learn the importance of safety and proper handling of drones.

Level Two

  • Students will further investigate push and pull. They will also experiment with the cause and effect that different forces have on the Scoot drone.
  • Students will read/hear a short story about a problem in the future. They will work together to design a concept for a drone that delivers pizzas. They will draw a model and generate ideas.
  • Students will explore flight. Students will identify the parts of a plane and create a flying model.
  • Students will compare how bees and drones fly. Students will fly a Scoot drone to simulate a bee’s waggle dance.
  • Students will select a photography subject and fly a drone to take a bird’s eye view of the subject. The art lesson will focus on perspective drawing, where you will create a drawing of the subject based on the photograph and overhead view.

Standards Supported in Level I & II


K-PS2-1 Plan and conduct an investigation to compare the effects of different strengths or different directions of pushes and pulls on the motion of an object.

K-PS2-2 Pushes and pulls can have different strengths and directions.

K-PS2-2. Analyze data to determine if a design solution works as intended to change the speed or direction of an object with a push or a pull.

1-LS1-1 Use materials to design a solution to a human problem by mimicking how plants and/or animals use their external parts to help them survive, grow, and meet their needs.

2-PS1-2 Simple tests can be designed to gather evidence to support or refute student ideas about causes.

2-PS1-4 Cause and Effect events have causes that generate observable patterns.


Drones: K-2 Week 1Saturday, November 13, 202110am-11amLevel 1
Drones: K-2 Week 2Saturday, November 20, 202110am-11amLevel 1
Drones: K-2 Week 3Saturday, December 4, 202110am-11amLevel 1
Drones: K-2 Week 4Saturday, December 11, 202110am-11amLevel 1
Drones: K-2 Week 5Saturday, December 18, 202110am-11amLevel 1
Drones: K-2 Week 6Saturday, January 8, 202210am-11amLevel 1
Drones: K-2 Week 7Saturday, January 15, 202210am-11amLevel 2
Drones: K-2 Week 8Saturday, January 22, 202210am-11amLevel 2
Drones: K-2 Week 9Saturday, January 29, 202210am-11amLevel 2
Drones: K-2 Week 10Saturday, February 5, 202210am-11amLevel 2
Drones: K-2 Week 11Saturday, February 12, 202210am-11amLevel 2
Drones: K-2 Week 12Saturday, February 19, 202210am-11amLevel 2
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