The Benefits of One-on-One Tutoring vs. Group Tutoring

When it comes to academic success, many students benefit from extra support outside of the classroom. Whether it’s preparing for standardized tests like the SAT or ACT, improving math skills, or simply getting better grades, tutoring can be a valuable tool for students. However, there are different types of tutoring available, and it’s important to consider which one might be best for your needs. In this article, we’ll explore the benefits of one-on-one tutoring versus group tutoring.

One-on-One Tutoring

One-on-one tutoring involves working with a tutor individually, without any other students present. This type of tutoring can be tailored to the student’s specific needs and learning style, as the tutor is able to focus all of their attention on that one student. Here are some of the benefits of one-on-one tutoring:

  • Personalized attention: With a one-on-one tutor, the student receives personalized attention and support that they might not get in a classroom or group setting. The tutor can work at the student’s pace, answer their questions, and address any areas where they might be struggling.
  • Flexibility: One-on-one tutoring is often more flexible than group tutoring. The student and tutor can schedule sessions at times that work best for them, and the tutor can adjust the curriculum and teaching methods to fit the student’s needs.
  • Improved confidence: One-on-one tutoring can help boost a student’s confidence in their abilities. By receiving individualized support and feedback, they can see improvement more quickly and feel more confident in their ability to succeed.

If you’re interested in one-on-one tutoring, Resource Room offers a range of options, including SAT and ACT tutoring, math tutoring, and more. Check out Why Private Tutoring at Resource Room? for more information.

Group Tutoring

Group tutoring involves working with a tutor in a small group setting, usually with 2-5 other students. This type of tutoring can be more affordable than one-on-one tutoring, and can also provide some benefits. Here are some of the benefits of group tutoring:

  • Collaboration: Group tutoring allows students to collaborate with their peers and learn from each other. They can ask each other questions and work through problems together.
  • Affordability: Group tutoring is often more affordable than one-on-one tutoring, as the cost is split among the group members.
  • Social interaction: Group tutoring can provide social interaction and a sense of community for students who might not get that in other aspects of their academic lives.

If you’re interested in group tutoring, Resource Room offers a range of options, including our STEAM Programs. Check out STEAM Programs at Resource Room for more information.


Whether you choose one-on-one tutoring or group tutoring, both can be valuable tools for academic success. It’s important to consider your individual needs and learning style when deciding which type of tutoring to pursue. At Resource Room, we offer a variety of tutoring options to fit every student’s needs. Check out our blog for more information on academic success, including How to Overcome Math Anxiety and How to Get Better Grades in 2023.

Joseph Cuccurullo

Joseph Cuccurullo

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